Presented at:
- ACM Symposium on User Interface Software & Technology (UIST) '24
This work introduces a novel approach to interactive robots by leveraging the form-factor of cards to create thin robots equipped with vibrational capabilities for locomotion and haptic feedback. The system is composed of flat-shaped robots with on-device sensing and wireless control, which offer lightweight portability and scalability. This research introduces a hardware prototype to explore the possibility of vibration-based omni-directional sliding locomotion. Applications include augmented card playing, educational tools, and assistive technology, which showcase CARDinality’s versatility in tangible interaction
Main Tools Used: Seeed Xiao Sense Board, PCB, DC Motors, Arduino IDE, Python, Flask Server, OpenCV
My Role: First Author, led end-to-end hardware/software pipeline, specifically communication of inertial sensor data to Flask Graphical User Interface (GUI), Hardware Prototyper, Interaction/Application Designer
*Note: This project was also the basis of my honors thesis in computer science, University of Chicago
Actuated Experience Lab Project Page: Link
ACM UIST 2024 Conference