Ambient Spotify
Automated Playlist Controller using iPhone sensor data for activity detection
While popular music streaming apps have developed strong models to curate playlists based on an individual’s music taste, they are currently unable to adapt to a user’s specific context – their live current setting or activity. Ambient Spotify is a system that leverages the sensors usually found on a smartphone – such as gyroscope and accelerometer on the embedded intertial measuring unit (IMU), combined with publicly available time and weather data – to create an inference model and gather context clues to automatically select playlists matching the user’s surrounding context and activity.
Date: May 2024
Time: Two Weeks
Collaborators: Elizabeth Li, Matthew Jeung
Main Tools Used: Swift, CoreML, Spotify API
My Role: Live ML Inference Model and Algorithm Designer
This project originated from a course at The University of Chicago, Mobile Computing. We decided to leverage sensors and ML to create a fun new experience that we would want to use in our daily lives (I actually still have this on my phone, it's pretty fun!)
The main challenges in our implementation included the coordination of the logic between the different sensors, and making sure that the application was energy-efficient, given all the data it was collecting!